Monday, October 12, 2009

23 weeks!


Sorry I haven't posted in a's been a little crazy. I'm now 6 months pregnant and a lot has changed. Since the last post I left my wasn't working out, I found out that we're having a GIRL! :) and her name is Lucy, and we moved back to Wilmore. It's been more than enough to keep me busy, lol. I'll post pics of the new house soon, and the ever expanding baby bump. It's getting very round but it's still lower...I guess that's just how I'm going to carry. 

Lucy is very active. It feels like she is a dancer in there! Just two nights ago, when I laid down to go to bed, she started kicking hard enough that Nate could feel it on the outside of my belly. He had felt her slowly move before, but these were the first kicks that I wasn't the only one feeling! It was exciting. We have our first two pieces of baby furniture too! We got a bouncy seat (with vibrations) on sale, and my Aunt Shannon bought our swing! 

In other news: I"M AN AUNT!!!! I have THE cutest niece ever. She's absolutely gorgeous and perfect. It's so exciting to watch my sister with her little girl...she's such a miracle. It's even more exciting to watch them together on Skype and know that in 3 1/2 months, I'll have my own real life baby doll. :) 

Jodie and Lucy


  1. Hi there! This is Andreas friend Ashley. Just wanted to say Congrats on the baby.

  2. HI! Ashley figured out how to work the comment function! I haven't been able to leave comments before.
